But if Amendment 3 passes, anyone 21 years old and older would be able to use and possess up to 3 ounces of marijuana, with some restrictions. Do you meth withdrawal: symptoms duration coping tips and more want to go insane, suffering a long painful death, hallucinating and scared? Do you have a tip on […]
A few drugs are enormously dangerous in the short-term but not the long-term (heroin), or vice versa (tobacco). And looking at deaths or other harms caused by certain drugs doesn’t always account for substances, such as prescription medications, that are often mixed with others, making them more deadly or harmful than they would be alone. […]
Finally, without properly prepared financial statements, filing your taxes can be a nightmare. Not only do financial statements tell you how much income to report, but they also give you an overview of the expenses you’ve incurred—some of which can be written off as small business tax deductions. The cash flow statement then takes net […]
The result is the gross profit, which illustrates a company’s efficiency in generating revenue while managing the production costs. Gross and net are two essential concepts in finance and accounting, often used in the context of income, salary, and business revenue. Gross refers to the total amount of money earned before any deductions are made, […]
For investors looking to invest in a company, net income helps determine the value of a company’s stock. Since net income is the last line at the bottom of the income statement, it’s also called the bottom line. Net income reflects the total residual income after accounting for all cash flows, both positive and negative. […]
Check out a quick overview below of the four types of financial statements in accounting. Read on to learn the order of financial statements and which financial statement is prepared first. Learn the importance of the order of financial statements in small business accounting. Various analytical techniques, such as ratio analysis, trend analysis, vertical and […]
Many of the payment processors that are not specifically designed for legal professionals should only be used for earned fees (operating), if at all. It includes “full” accounting functionality and payment processing, as well as practice management features, document assembly and customizations for many practice areas. It can be self-hosted (on-premises server) or hosted in […]
If you reconciled a transaction by accident, here’s how to unreconcile individual transactions. Learn what to do if your accounts in QuickBooks Desktop don’t match your bank statements at the end of reconciliation. Brief Accounting started as a Mac billing product but is now available for Windows as well. The product has been on the market […]
This sorting helps you know where to focus your efforts to make sure you’re managing your inventory in the smartest way possible. For some items, consider having them sent directly from the supplier to the customer so you don’t have to keep them in stock. Try ordering products only close to when they’ll be sold […]
Use data and trends to predict what customers will buy so you don’t order too much or too little. Collecting and analyzing this data to determine what to stock is a big task. Using technology to track and manage inventory is essential but can be complicated and expensive to set up. Technological tools for managing […]